Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Tutorial One

For our tutorials we have questions to comment on. I finally found my misplaced tute questions today and now need to play catch up.
I need to comment on this form of technology and prevalent it is in our society;
The note I have found on tutorial 1 page is "as a mature student I struggle with this forum at this stage, as I don't really like the idea of my personal ramblings being out in the world wide web for anyone and everyone to see". I am comfortable with using technology to some degree, as most of the features available on the items I use, I either don't know about or don't use as I have other systems in place that I have used for a longer period of time. 
What may limit my use of items? Is the time it takes for me to learn the use of such options and a lack of patience! I do worry that I will break the device.
How prevalent is the use in our society? Well, back in the day... :) true, when I was at high school the teacher in my typing class was the only person to use the new school computer and it was for school use only. In the early 90's as preschoolers my children were lucky enough to have a computer at home - how times have changed!

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