Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tute 1, part 3

Social Justice - what does that mean? Lets break it down, in my Collins New English Dictionary (2001) social means a community, relating to human society and justice means the quality of being just, administration by law prescribing to accepted principles. So one could take it that social justice is the prescribing of principles to human society..?
Last year in a paper Concepts in Health I learnt that social justice was mainly recognition and redistribution, meaning that societies wealth (what ever is of importance) should be redistributed. I also learnt that well before my time Aristotle said "Treat the equal equally, and treat the unequal unequally".  That doesn't seem fair at first does it? But looking deeper into it as regards to the disadvantaged (the unequal) we really do need to treat the unequally unequally to have any justice in society, for if we continue to treat the disadvantaged with the same expectations we have of the advantaged it would be like continuing to place them at the end of life's ques, they would always feel dumped on.

Collins new english dictionary (2001, 2nd ed.) HarperCollins Publishers 1997

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